White Wash

Saturday, September 1, 2012

You know you're in PA school when ...

My classmates and I have our first anatomy lab practical and lecture exam coming up this week and we've been working our asses off preparing for it. I think it's pretty safe to say that all the horrible comments from our professors have scared us into thinking none of us will make above a C in the course. I'm sure we'll all do better than that, but I'll just say those little comments have definitely been my motivator.

So during our prepping for the exam, some of my classmates have made some pretty funny comments that I'd like to put together for you all here...

You know you're in PA school when... You have to rearrange your furniture to have enough space for all of your study materials.

You know you're in PA school when you leave the library at 600 Friday night.

You know you are in PA school when you google "human skeleton for sale". (Can you believe those things are $6,000?!?)

You know you're in PA school when you spend more time on a Friday night with a dead body than a live one.

If I would have looked at one more ulnar recurrent artery I would have put my head through my toshiba.

Hahaha .... they're all so true! And very funny to me. :)

Anyway, not much new this week. We dissected the forearm and hand in anatomy lab, which was pretty neat because there are tons of muscles/nerves/arteries that all coordinate together to make our hands work! God put a lot of thought into those intricate details.

Since the majority of this post is about anatomy, it's absolutely relavant to say that we've been given all the material that will be on the first test, which means I'm 1/4 of the way finished with the class. 


That BLOWS my mind. I'm only about to start my fourth week. Seriously, time is going by pretty quickly. I still have good days and bad days, although all together I'd have to say last week was not a good week for me. I felt like my studying wasn't as efficient as I have been previously, but I still feel like I know everything I need to know -- though I don't know it well.

We'll see how it goes. Until next time folks! Hopefully I'll have really great news ... oh, and we have friends coming into town next weekend! I'll post about that as well. 

Lastly, I forgot to add ... apparently the director of our program has lovingly dubbed me Brain Dead (instead of calling me Brain Head). #joysofpaschool


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